You can help people with cancer by donating to Anchorage Young Cancer Coalition through your Permanent Fund Dividend application starting January 1. Thanks for your support!
This is a group for people that have been diagnosed with any type of cancer that are young at heart OR that were diagnosed in their 20’s or 30’s or 40’s that want to meet for a night out of fun and laughter. We host multiple meetups per month and our activities vary. This allows our members to attend different events at different times that work for their schedule. To find out when and where we are meeting up you can connect with us the following ways:
- Be added to our mailing list by contacting us through email at info@anchorageyoungcancer.com or
- Join our private Facebook group
Our membership is open to anyone across Alaska or even if you are just traveling through Alaska and want to meet up with us.
Our mission is to provide emotional support and empowerment through building community, improving quality of life and providing meaningful survivorship to those affected by young adult cancer. Our vision is no survivor alone.