Would you like to help support young cancer club members? The medical costs of cancer treatment can be very expensive. This is especially true for many young cancer fighters that do not have the benefit of established careers or years of saving for a nest egg. For this reason AYCC strives to provide its activities at no cost to the members. This is only possible through the support of the many individuals and organizations in our community. If you would like to help with a tax deductible donation we have a PayPal account and an Alaska USA account that you can transfer funds to and are part of Pick Click Give and we also accept checks made out to Anchorage Young Cancer Coalition. If these options don’t work for you, then please email us and we’ll be glad to help.
Pick Click Give:

New in 2017! You can help people with cancer by donating to Anchorage Young Cancer Coalition through your Permanent Fund Dividend application starting January 1. Until then, click here to sign up for a reminder. Thanks for your support